WIHI: What We're Learning about Patients with Complex Needs


The Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI)’s radio show on March 23 will orient you to the newly available online resource: The Playbook: Better Care for People with Complex Needs.

There’s a lot of attention being paid to developing new models to care for and support patients with multiple, complex health problems. And, for good reason. It’s long been known that individuals with chronic, intertwined health and social issues make frequent use of expensive emergency departments or stay away from health care altogether until things get really bad. This panel highlight the features in the Playbook that can help guide your improvement efforts. Featuring two of The Playbook’s creators, Kedar Mate and Marian Bihrle Johnson, with Jose Figueroa who will explain the thinking behind, and resources for, population segmentation as part of this work and how to best utilize it, and David Labby who will talk about his experience working with, and learning from, populations with complex needs.

The John A. Hartford Foundation is one of the five foundation funders of the Playbook for better care.

To learn more about the March 23rd radio show, click here.

To enroll, click here.

To go to the Playbook for Better Care website, click here.