Oral Health for America’s Seniors - Expanding Medicare

Grant Summary

Older adults often have chronic diseases that may exacerbate oral health conditions, and vice versa. Medicare, however, does not cover dental care except in very rare circumstances and more than 70 percent of the Medicare-aged population has no dental insurance, leading to impairments in both their oral and overall health. This grant will activate an interprofessional mix of individuals, institutions, agencies, and organizations who will work collaboratively to identify and execute a multi-pronged strategy to expand dental coverage for older adults. Led by the Santa Fe Group, the collaboration will catalyze broad opportunities to define the need and the appropriate set of benefits, focusing on expanding dental coverage under Medicare Part B and within Medicare Advantage programs.

Grant Details


Santa Fe Group

Grant Amount


Grant Period

18 months

Approval Date

June 2016

Priority Area

Age-Friendly Health Systems



Primary Contact

Michael C. Alfano, DMD, PhD

Program Officer

Rani E. Snyder, MPA


New York, New York

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