CHA's Health Progress: PACE 2.0 - PACE Programs Are Ready To Grow Exponentially


The Catholic Health Association of the United States (CHA) has released an article, "PACE 2.0: PACE Programs Are Ready To Grow Exponentially."

The paper talks about the PACE (Programs of All-inclusive Care for the Elderly) program that enables older adults to avoid nursing home placement by providing coordinated medical and social services to frail, low-income elders. PACE currently serves about 50,000 older adults in 31 states representing less than 10% of the eligible population. The goal of PACE 2.0 is to exponentially increase the number of individuals who can benefit from PACE to 200,000 by 2028.

The authors discuss how organizations can get involved by joining one of the regional PACE 2.0 learning collaboratives being developed.

To read the CHA article, click here.
To go to the PACE 2.0 website, click here.
To learn more about JAHF's co-funding with West Health, click here.