US News & World Report: Is Surgery Right for Your Older Loved One?


An article from US News & World Report discusses the pre-surgery evaluations that older patients need in "Is Surgery Right for Your Older Loved One?"

"As people age, surgery and anesthesia can take a greater toll on their bodies and minds. Recovery may take longer. In many cases, however, patients in their late 60s, 70s and beyond can do just as well postoperatively as much younger patients. To determine surgical risk, it's important to look at the whole person beyond his or her birthdate."

"A movement is underway to improve and establish standards for preoperative assessments of older patients. The Coalition for Quality in Geriatric Surgery Project, spearheaded by the American College of Surgeons, offers best practice guidelines for health care providers on evaluating older surgical patients throughout the operative process. Detailed recommendations for clinicians include how to assess decision-making capacity; heart, lung and functional status; frailty and nutritional status, as well as advice on medication management and preoperative counseling."

To read the article, click here.
To learn more about The Coalition for Quality in Geriatric Surgery Project, click here.