Inside Philanthropy: Which Funders Are Confronting an Aging America?

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Inside Philanthropy's article, "It's a Coming Tsunami. Which Funders Are Confronting an Aging America?," focuses on grantmakers in the field of aging.

John Feather, CEO of Grantmakers in Aging, says that overall philanthropic support for aging "accounts for 2 percent of total philanthropic giving in the U.S....That number has remained constant, even as the number of older people has increased."

"Recent grants from The John A. Hartford Foundation are one of the few bright spots in philanthropic support for seniors, which remains small, even as the U.S. elderly population grows rapidly. "

"A recent set of grants from The John A. Hartford Foundation gives us a sense of where the money goes. The foundation pledged $833,000 to three organizations to share evidence and tools to improve outcomes for the elderly and support policies that strengthen the eldercare workforce."

The article points to the few funders in the area, but notes that care for the elderly remains a low priority for most funders.

To read the article, click here.
To learn more about The John A. Hartford Foundation's recent grants, click here.