Article: 'Age-Friendly' Care Coming To Retail Clinics

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The Frances Payne Bolton School of Nursing at Case Western Reserve University has published an article, "Age-Friendly Care Coming To Retail Clinics," detailing their initiative to expand age-friendly healthcare in MinuteClinic locations across the United States.

In late 2018, researchers at the Frances Payne Bolton School of Nursing, working with MinuteClinic—the retail medical clinic of CVS Health—in collaboration with the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI), received a one year planning grant from JAHF to develop a plan to expand the Age-Friendly Health Systems initiative into MinuteClinic locations.

JAHF has awarded the Bolton School of Nursing a phase II grant to implement their plan and expand age-friendly care into 1,100 Minute Clinic locations across the United States, impacting approximately 1.2 million older adults.

This blog details the initiative as a whole and features commentary from the nurses and healthcare professionals leading the initiative on the ground. "Funded by a new three-year, $2.44 million JAHF grant, researchers and planners at the nursing school will work with MinuteClinic to integrate into a clinic visit the “4Ms” framework (What Matters, Medication, Mentation and Mobility)—the age-friendly initiative’s cornerstone approach designed to be equally effective in acute care and ambulatory settings."

To read the article, click here.
To read a related CVS Health article, "Age-Friendly Care for Older Adults," click here.
To learn more about JAHF's support, click here.