ASA RISE: Applications Open for Cohort 4 Fellows

ASA RISE Applications Open for Cohort 4 Fellows

The American Society on Aging (ASA) is accepting applications for its fourth cohort of ASA RISE, a 20-week leadership and social justice program for leaders of color in aging.

The field of aging needs more leaders of color—and a modern, sustainable leadership program to support them. ASA RISE is working to improve well-being across an increasingly diverse aging population by creating a BIPOC leadership pool that improves policies and programs at the local, state and national levels.

ASA Fellows participate in weekly virtual sessions that provide training and mentorship in the aging field on fundamental principles of advocacy, social justice and leadership development. They will also be paired with a mentor for professional support.

Applications for ASA RISE are open until June 30.

Apply for ASA RISE.
Learn more about ASA RISE.
Meet ASA RISE's first, second and third cohort.
Learn more about JAHF's co-support of ASA RISE.