Modern Healthcare: COVID-19 - Age-Friendly Health Systems Needed More than Ever

Modern Healthcare: COVID-19 - Age-Friendly Health Systems Needed More than Ever

Modern Healthcare: COVID-19 - Age-Friendly Health Systems Needed More than Ever

Modern Healthcare has published an article by Terry Fulmer, PhD, RN, FAAN, President, The John A. Hartford Foundation, "COVID-19: Age-Friendly Health Systems Needed More than Ever," as part of its Executive Insight series.

Dr. Fulmer explains why the the Age-Friendly Health Systems movement and the '4Ms' framework—what matters, medication, mentation, and mobility—are more important than ever during this pandemic. "COVID-19 places an incredible strain on our nation’s health systems. Through the Age-Friendly Health Systems movement, The John A. Hartford Foundation, Institute for Healthcare Improvement, American Hospital Association, and Catholic Health Association of the United States support systems serving as the first line of defense. Hospitals and health systems across the country share best practices for treating older adults—the most vulnerable population—in a safe and age-friendly way, without placing unsustainable burdens on themselves."

The article explains the 4Ms framework and its importance for older adults right now, and talks about ways the Age-Friendly Health Systems clinical sites are helping during this crisis.

To read the article, click here.
To go to Modern Healthcare's digital issue, click here.
To learn more about the Age-Friendly Health Systems initiative and to access materials, click here.