A Message From Our Leadership

Seizing the moment to make transformative change

Reviewing our progress for 2021, we are proud of the remarkable work of our staff and grantees as they advance our mission to improve the care of older adults.

Whether we are engaged with our Age-Friendly Health Systems Action Communities, working with federal and state government partners or thinking through how to best support our family caregivers, the work is rich and meaningful. More importantly, we are helping make the changes we want to see.

Margaret Wolff, Chair of the Board and
Terry Fulmer, President

Together with partners, we are seizing this moment and fueling transformative, systemic change.

Our mission over many years has prepared us for this season of possibility. In 2021, the Foundation led efforts to identify potential solutions to urgent issues vexing America’s health system and its ability to provide quality care to older adults. Our long-term investments and commitment to leadership have resulted in evidence-based approaches that are actionable and readily adopted. Others are being ideated, implemented and tested. This is a time for innovation and action to strengthen and sustain the nation’s workforce caring for older adults.

Bolstering the workforce that cares for us as we age is the most urgent issue in health care today.

The workforce that cares for older adults is better characterized as a careforce because their care is holistic and supports the older person’s family and network. As our careforce, they need our support. This community includes people who work in hospitals, clinics, nursing homes, social service agencies and public health, along with the millions of family caregivers who provide unpaid care. Our staff and partners are laser-focused on growing and supporting this careforce so that they can provide the care and services that align with what matters to older adults.

Dedication to health equity is imperative to ensure that every older adult receives the best care possible, no matter their age, race, sexual orientation or zip code.

Our commitment to raising awareness of ageism is aimed at countering its toxic consequences. Ageism still shapes the way many people, including those who work in health care, think and feel about older adults. It leads to poor outcomes and suffering. Through our communications, we are shifting narratives that fuel ageist thinking and behavior. We remain steadfast to our commitment to addressing the unacceptable disparities in quality of care and health outcomes that are based on demographics and inherent characteristics. We are working to highlight data that reflect inequity and support programs that improve the care of people from historically marginalized communities.

JAHF is known for its collaborative, solutions-driven approach that brings the right partners together.

An example of a successful collaboration is the Age-Friendly Health Systems initiative that spreads evidence-based practices to improve care for older adults by focusing on the 4Ms (what Matters, Medication, Mentation and Mobility). The Institute for Healthcare Improvement, the American Hospital Association and the Catholic Health Association of the United States are collaborating daily with more than 2,700 sites in all 50 states, including each of CVS Health’s MinuteClinic locations. They are documenting improvements in outcomes and costs as more than 1.4 million older adults have now received age-friendly 4Ms care.

In 2021, our Board proudly awarded The John A. Hartford Foundation Trustees Award to Don Berwick, MD, MPP, for his exceptional dedication and partnership in improving health care quality and safety for older adults. We are thankful to all JAHF collaborators and partners and are especially grateful to our visionary Trustees, who steadfastly guide the organization, especially in turbulent times, with foresight, grace and prudence.

This is the time for transformative change. This is the time to create a seamless health care system for the future that works for everyone. Please join us in helping the public and private sectors rethink care for older adults and make informed, consequential decisions that drive real improvement.

With gratitude, 

Supporting the Careforce

Home and Direct Care Workers

They are more than a workforce. Home and direct care workers are a careforce. They conduct essential, skilled tasks that help older adults and people with disabilities live with dignity.

Family Caregivers

Family caregivers are an integral part of the careforce. They are vital members of the health care team who serve as advocates, navigators and the safety net for older adults.

Interprofessional and Cross-Sector Care Teams

JAHF recognizes and supports the
teams of professionals that span disciplines and sectors, a key facet of an age-friendly careforce.

2021 Milestones

Our staff and grantees made tremendous strides last year in improving care for older adults. Scan our milestones month by month to learn about:

  • Tools and resources our grantees produced
  • Research and commentary published to inform and influence
  • News and events that generated momentum for change
Inside the Annual Report

Grants Funded

Our new and existing grants supported critically important work in 2021 to meet urgent needs for older adults.


Responsiveness and diversity enabled the Foundation's financials to grow through an economically turbulent time.

Leadership and Staff

Advancing our critical mission to improve the care of older adults could not be possible without tireless teamwork.

Read the 2021 Annual Report