Health Affairs Forefront: Applying An Evidence-Based Approach To Comprehensive Dementia Care Under The New GUIDE Model

Health Affairs Dementia Care GUIDE Model

Health Affairs Forefront has published an article on, "Applying An Evidence-Based Approach To Comprehensive Dementia Care Under The New GUIDE Model."

Co-written by authors from the Education Development Center (EDC), JAHF, Long-Term Quality Alliance, UCLA and Spragens and Associates, the article discusses the CMS GUIDE model, a new alternative payment model to cover the delivery of comprehensive dementia care.

The authors describe several evidence-based comprehensive dementia care programs already available for implementation, along with the new National Dementia Care Collaborative (NDCC), coordinated by EDC with funding from JAHF, that will provide tools, network connections and resources to help GUIDE applicants and others select an evidence-based model and/or adapt their own existing model with the overall goal of improving access to comprehensive dementia care.

The authors argue that adapting an existing evidence-based model is likely to be the most effective and efficient way for organizations to implement Guiding an Improved Dementia Experience (GUIDE) model requirements.

Read the article.
Learn more about the GUIDE model.
Go to the NDCC website.
Learn more about JAHF's co-support of UCLA.