JAGS Paper: Developing Electronic Health Record-based Measures of the 4Ms to Support Implementation and Evidence Generation for Age-Friendly Health Systems


The Journal of the American Geriatrics Society (JAGS) has published a paper on "Developing Electronic Health Record-based Measures of the 4Ms to Support Implementation and Evidence Generation for Age-Friendly Health Systems."

This study introduces electronic health record measures for the Age-Friendly Health Systems initiative's 4Ms Framework (what matters, medication, mentation and mobility). The researchers, Robert L. Thombley, Stephanie E. Rogers and Julia Adler-Milstein, translated the Institute for Healthcare Improvement's 4Ms guide into specific measures feasible to capture using EHR data and then deployed these measures at a large academic medical center.

The results revealed targeted opportunities to improve adherence to specific care practices. Looking ahead, these measures can be replicated and refined across a range of health systems, with the ultimate goal of having a nationally adopted measurement approach to complement national-scale implementation efforts.

Read the paper.
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