Journal of Public Health Management and Practice Paper: How Mississippi Is Changing Public Health

Journal of Public Health Management and Practice Paper How Mississippi Is Changing Public Health

The Journal of Public Health Management and Practice (JPHMP) has published a paper, "How Mississippi Is Changing Public Health."

The paper was authored by Mississippi Department of Health's Kina White, Trust for America’s Health's Megan Wolfe, JAHF's Sara Kunkel and Jane Carmody, and Federal Health's John Auerbach. It describes how Mississippi became a national Age-Friendly Public Health System (AFPHS) leader, providing a map for how other states can rethink and revamp their activities to ensure healthy aging for all.

Mississippi is building on the AFPHS multi-sector initiative to support older adults, engaging leaders across the state in a collective impact approach to healthy aging. The Mississippi State Department of Health, led by Dr. Kina White, has successfully competed to become one of the next adopters of the AFPHS.

Mississippi’s age-friendly public health efforts are connected to other sectors in the state, including healthcare services, universities, and communities, with the ultimate goal of establishing a well-functioning age-friendly ecosystem.

Sara Kunkel wrote a related blog, "Mississippi's Pioneering Path of an Age-Friendly Health Ecosystem," in JPHMP Direct.

Read the paper.
Read the blog.
Go to the AFPHS initiative website.

Learn more about JAHF's co-support of the AFPHS initiative.