The Virtual National Health Equity Summit Recordings

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Global Health Care (GHC) held the Virtual Health Equity Summit on June 7 - 10. The summit was co-sponsored by JAHF and included a panel on eradicating ageism featuring JAHF President Terry Fulmer, PhD, RN, FAAN.

The Virtual Health Equity Summit explored solutions to racial inequities, as well as racial and ethnic discrimination and disparities, in both health and health care. The goal of the Summit was to define the issues; provide sophisticated historical, social, epidemiological and demographic context; set forth specific challenges related to the COVID-19 pandemic; feature practical and actionable approaches to addressing and improving access and equity; and help to foster a community of researchers and change agents committed to redressing health inequities.

The Summit was offered over four days and presented a mix of plenary and up to 50 one-hour concurrent sessions featuring a faculty of up to 200 national experts in relevant fields.

To watch the recordings, go to the free registration.
To learn more, click here.
To go to the agenda, click here.