AGING Initiative Webinar: Advance Care Planning in Older Adults with Multiple Comorbid Conditions


The HCSRN-OAIC's AGING Initiative (Advancing Geriatrics Infrastructure & Network Growth) is holding a webinar on February 12 on advance care planning (ACP) in older adults with multiple comorbid conditions (MCCs) undergoing surgery.

The AGING Initiative is an NIA-funded endeavor with the goal of connecting investigators and resources within the Health Care Systems Research Network (HCSRN) with those in the Claude D. Pepper Older Americans Independence Centers (OAICs) to create a national resource to advance an interdisciplinary research agenda focused on older adults with MCCs.

The webinar speakers are:

  • Dr. Victoria Tang, who will discuss her pilot project work focused on the importance and prevalence of ACP for older adults with MCCs undergoing high-risk surgery.
  • Dr. Zara Cooper, who will discuss her research focused on improving end of life and palliative care through patient-provider communication.

To register, click here.
To learn more about the AGING Initiative, click here.