American Geriatrics Society Geri Ortho Hip Fracture Co-Management Planning Grant

Grant Summary

This planning grant to the American Geriatrics Society will support the development of a viable business strategy and an implementation plan for a Geriatrics-Orthopedic Co-management Intervention. Geriatric co-management is the systematic use of geriatrician specialists to provide pre- and post-operative care for surgical patients, using standardized protocols and best practices in geriatric care to maintain function and minimize the risks of hospitalization. Evidence has shown that with co-management, the care and clinical outcomes for hospitalized elderly hip fracture patients are greatly improved. The planning work will include the engagement of potential early adopter sites, utilizing them to refine the model and tools. It will also support the development of a marketing plan, a toolkit, a training strategy, and a business design with budget and goals. This planning grant is intended to identify critical issues for the development of a sustainable business model, which would be launched in a second phase initiative.

Grant Details


American Geriatrics Society, Inc.

Grant Amount


Grant Period

12 months

Approval Date


Priority Area

Age-Friendly Health Systems



Primary Contact

Richard Besdine

Program Officer

Nora OBrien-Suric


New York, New York

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