The Center to Advance Palliative Care (CAPC): Transformation Business Plan

Grant Summary

The Board approved a $2 million grant over five years to the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York City to support the sustainability of the Center to Advance Palliative Care (CAPC) and further expand the availability of palliative care services by supporting implementation of CAPC's transformation business plan. Hartford's $2 million grant, coupled with a $6 million gift from the Baker Family Foundation, represents a significant portion of the $12-$17 million philanthropic target of the business plan. Hartford staff will work with CAPC to foster a consortium of funders to achieve the remaining fundraising goal. An earned revenue goal seeks to transform CAPC from sole dependence on philanthropic support to a largely self-sustaining, revenue-generating model with membership fees that provide a package of palliative care implementation technical assistance and clinical training. CAPC will also develop a low-cost, web-based training infrastructure and new products to improve the quality of hospital-based palliative care and expand palliative care to community-based clinics, nursing homes and home care. Through policy/advocacy work, CAPC will address the need for payment reform, inclusion of health outcome measures that matter to complex older adults (such as physical function and pain), and recognition of those who benefit from palliative care services.

Grant Details


Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai

Grant Amount


Grant Period

60 months

Approval Date


Priority Area

Current Strategies



Primary Contact

Diane E. Meier

Program Officer

Amy Berman


New York, New York

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