Medicare Education & Outreach, Opening Doors to Quality Care for Older Adults

Grant Summary

A renewal grant to the Center for Medicare Advocacy will help ensure that Medicare meets its promise under the law to provide access to coverage and care for older adults with long-term, serious illnesses. Core funding will build the organization’s capacity for outreach and education to policy makers, providers, and the public on issues such as home health care access, hospital observation status (which impacts access to post-acute care), and elder mistreatment in nursing homes. Funding will also support the Center’s collaborations with other key organizations to ensure that Medicare beneficiaries with conditions that will not improve, such as Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s disease, obtain care to preserve and maintain their function. The result will be a stronger, more age-friendly Medicare program that helps vulnerable older adults receive the care they need.

Grant Details


Center for Medicare Advocacy

Grant Amount


Grant Period

24 months

Approval Date

June 2018

Priority Area

Age-Friendly Health Systems



Primary Contact

Judith A. Stein

Program Officer

Marcus Escobedo

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