Raising Awareness of Our Work – Because it Matters

WebMD Partnership

We’re educating consumers so they know to ask for age-friendly health care.

You may have visited WebMD.com to better understand your health conditions, or you may have seen their magazine in your doctor’s office. We want to reach consumers along with providers, and with 80 million unique website visitors each month, WebMD is a powerful partner to help older adults understand their right to ask for, and receive, age-friendly health care tailored especially to what matters to them.

To better understand what people know and how they feel about age-friendly care, we partnered with WebMD to perform a comprehensive consumer survey. The survey asked more than 2,700 older adults and family caregivers about their knowledge and experiences related to the 4Ms of age-friendly care: What Matters, Mentation, Medication and Mobility. The survey findings were released at a standing-room-only panel discussion featuring Martha Stewart, Don Berwick, and others. A television media tour and an op-ed in the New York Daily News amplified the reach to consumers.

Our partnership with WebMD has helped bring public attention to the importance of the 4Ms of age-friendly care. According to the survey findings:

  • Three in four older adults are not familiar with the concept of age-friendly health care.
  • The majority of caregivers say the person in their care has difficulty walking around (68 percent), and half say the person in their care had a fall within the last year.
  • Nearly 40 percent of patients and caregivers do not know that certain medications can have cognitive side effects.
  • More than 40 percent inaccurately think depression is an inevitable part of aging.
  • Less than 10 percent believe it is important for their health care provider to know about their fears, concerns and future health goals.

Read the report summarizing the WebMD survey results.

Modern Healthcare Partnership

We’re engaging C-suite leaders in the Age-Friendly Health Systems movement.

Modern Healthcare is the leading provider of health care business news and intelligence, ranked as the #1 publication in readership among hospital CEOs, CFOs and CIOs.

In 2019, we launched a branded content partnership to increase awareness of the Age-Friendly Health Systems movement and spur engagement. The partnership included promotion on the magazine’s cover, an Executive Insight column featuring Terry Fulmer, an educational webinar, a series of print and digital ads, and sponsorship of the 2019 Leadership Symposium attended by prominent U.S. health care executives.